If you're going to be remodeling your home this summer, it's time to stock up on the clear plastic sheeting. In your rush to gather all your essential equipment, you might forget about the plastic sheeting. In fact, you might not even think you need plastic sheeting. But, when you're remodeling your home, you need the protection that plastic sheeting can provide. Here are four ways you can use light-duty clear plastic sheeting during a remodeling project. 

Control the Dust

If you're going to be doing any demolition or construction work during your remodeling project, you'll generate a lot of dust. Unfortunately, dust can wreak havoc on your home, especially in the areas that aren't part of the remodeling project. The best way to control the dust is to bring in the clear plastic sheeting. You can lay sheeting in any of the rooms that will be undergoing demolition or construction. When the sheeting gets too covered in dust and dirt, roll it up and toss it in the dumpster. That way, you don't have dirt getting tracked through the house. 

Provide Temporary Walls

If you're expanding your home, you may need to remove some walls. If that's the case, you don't want to leave your home exposed to the elements. Unfortunately, that's what will happen if you're not prepared for temporary walls. That's where the plastic sheeting comes into the picture. You can create temporary walls using plastic sheeting. Simply attach the plastic sheeting to the exposed studs. Once crews are ready to construct the new walls, the plastic sheeting can be removed. Plastic sheeting is especially beneficial when unexpected rainstorms come through during your home remodeling project. Temporary walls made from clear plastic sheeting will keep the rain out of your home. 

Prevent Furniture Damage

If you've decided to leave the furniture in your home while you remodel, you need a way to prevent damage. Remodeling projects can cause serious damage to your furniture. This is especially true if you haven't taken steps to keep paint and sawdust away. Before remodeling begins, cover your furniture with plastic sheeting. Once your furniture is covered, paint and sawdust will only get as far as the plastic sheeting. 

Protect Your Landscaping

Finally, if your remodeling project will extend into the yard, you'll need to protect your landscaping. The plants near your home are especially vulnerable to damage during remodeling projects. One way to protect your plants is to cover them with plastic sheeting. Plastic sheeting will help to protect your plants from paint and other chemicals that might be used during remodeling. 
